zondag 29 juli 2012
zaterdag 28 juli 2012
woensdag 25 juli 2012
dinsdag 24 juli 2012
maandag 23 juli 2012
zondag 22 juli 2012
Only a Catholic State will Stop Islamisation
Geüpload door amaqula op 28 feb 2009
Only the CATHOLIC STATE - foundational state of the West - will save your bacon from Islam. Secular Western governments are only against Islamic terrorism and extremism - NOT against peaceful demographic takeover by Islam! Already Europe loses up to 40% of its population with each passing generation under genocidal secular governance! A constant stream of Islamic immigration is then used to replace the shrinking Western population. The Catholic State would never have allowed such a perverse and evil process. Secular governments use Islamic immigration to strenghen their nations against China - and the plan is Islamisation rather that repeal of abortion and banning birthcontrol!
A Catholic Council should be set up with the aim of converting the UK and establishing a CATHOLIC STATE. The Knights Templar should also be reinstated so that Catholics (and others) have an alternative to fighting for secular governments and their secular anti-Christ agenda.
I have no hatred against any Muslims but Islam is a false religion and I ask them to return to the One True Catholic Faith. When Muslims say they were so advanced and held so much knowledge compared to European Christians why couldn't they make use of that knowledge. The Christians certainly did. Nobody can deny the extraordinary achievements of the Christian World.
An ageing secular society can never defeat rampant Islam, so stop dreaming. God will show us the way - not politicians (who are busily paving the way for an Islamic takeover)! But beware - the Church does not come to the aid of those who spit in the face of Christ (God Himself) or harm the least of His little ones (in abortion).
A CATHOLIC STATE is one where the Church has final say on moral matters only. It is not a theocracy. It is based on Christ's command; 'Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's; and unto God, that which is God's' - ie let secular experts rule secular matters and the Church rule matters of faith and moral law . It is sometimes called the Confessional State or the Social Kingship of Christ. It is the foundational state of the West - and only it will survive and thrive. Deus Veult!
Music: Brian Boru's March by The Chieftains
A Catholic Council should be set up with the aim of converting the UK and establishing a CATHOLIC STATE. The Knights Templar should also be reinstated so that Catholics (and others) have an alternative to fighting for secular governments and their secular anti-Christ agenda.
I have no hatred against any Muslims but Islam is a false religion and I ask them to return to the One True Catholic Faith. When Muslims say they were so advanced and held so much knowledge compared to European Christians why couldn't they make use of that knowledge. The Christians certainly did. Nobody can deny the extraordinary achievements of the Christian World.
An ageing secular society can never defeat rampant Islam, so stop dreaming. God will show us the way - not politicians (who are busily paving the way for an Islamic takeover)! But beware - the Church does not come to the aid of those who spit in the face of Christ (God Himself) or harm the least of His little ones (in abortion).
A CATHOLIC STATE is one where the Church has final say on moral matters only. It is not a theocracy. It is based on Christ's command; 'Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's; and unto God, that which is God's' - ie let secular experts rule secular matters and the Church rule matters of faith and moral law . It is sometimes called the Confessional State or the Social Kingship of Christ. It is the foundational state of the West - and only it will survive and thrive. Deus Veult!
Music: Brian Boru's March by The Chieftains
Als schapen zonder herder
Heilig Evangelie van Jezus Christus volgens Marcus 6,30-34. Toen de apostelen te zamen bij Jesus waren teruggekeerd, verhaalden ze Hem al wat ze hadden gedaan en geleerd.En Hij zeide tot hen: Komt nu met Mij mee naar een eenzame plaats, en rust wat uit. Want velen liepen in en uit, zodat ze zelfs geen tijd hadden om te eten.Geheel alleen vertrokken ze dus in de boot naar een eenzame plaats.Maar velen zagen hen vertrekken, en begrepen waarheen; uit alle steden liep men gezamenlijk te voet daar naar toe, en men was er nog eerder dan zij.Toen Jesus uitsteeg, zag Hij dus een talrijke schare. Hij had medelijden met hen, daar ze als schapen zonder herder waren; en Hij begon ze velerlei dingen te leren.

zaterdag 21 juli 2012
Moslim broederschap
This is a documentary aired on Norwegian Television, Nov, 2010 (English subtitles).
Is Islam a threat to the western world and our way of living and is it the goal of Islam to take over the world and make us all slaves of the islamic cult?
You better see this video and not just wake up, but actively protest what's going on right now! Our governments let it happen because we depend on their oil. We are in a 'hidden' war with Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood. For the sake of your children, make it stop, or your granddaughter might be stoned!!
Watch it, and judge for yourself! A very revealing movie every westerner HAVE to see! Before it's too late...
Is Islam a threat to the western world and our way of living and is it the goal of Islam to take over the world and make us all slaves of the islamic cult?
You better see this video and not just wake up, but actively protest what's going on right now! Our governments let it happen because we depend on their oil. We are in a 'hidden' war with Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood. For the sake of your children, make it stop, or your granddaughter might be stoned!!
Watch it, and judge for yourself! A very revealing movie every westerner HAVE to see! Before it's too late...
vrijdag 20 juli 2012
donderdag 19 juli 2012
woensdag 18 juli 2012
Hillery taunted in Egypt
During her speech, Clinton said: "When we talk about supporting democracy, we mean real democracy."
"To us real democracy means that every citizen has the right to live, work and worship as they choose, whether they are man or woman, Christian or Muslim."
"Real democracy means that no group or faction or leader can impose their will, their ideology, their religion, their desires on anyone else."
That was a message she is likely to have repeated in meetings on Sunday with women and Christians, both groups that fear their rights may be curtailed under a Muslim Brotherhood-dominated government.
"She wanted, in very, very clear terms, particularly with the Christian group this morning, to dispel that notion and to make clear that only Egyptians can choose their leaders, that we have not supported any candidate, any party, and we will not," a senior US official told reporters.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/monica-chants-taunt-clinton-in-egypt-20120716-224to.html#ixzz20xj1zrtl
dinsdag 17 juli 2012
maandag 16 juli 2012
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jihadisten bedreigen Europa.Die stomme Europeeërs leggen zelfs de lopers uit.Wat een debiel volk!

Al-Qaeda heeft voor het eerst drie bases in een NAVO-lidstaat (!) opgezet, waar islamitische terroristen worden getraind om niet alleen in het Midden Oosten, maar mogelijk ook in Europa aanslagen te gaan plegen. Afgelopen woensdag was de Turkse premier Erdogan in Teheran, en sprak daar met de Iraanse president Hassan Rouhani af dat beide landen gaan samenwerken tegen het Westen. Ondertussen doet de EU nog steeds of zijn neus bloedt, en wordt genegeerd dat Turkije in ijltempo verandert in een radicale moslimdictatuur. Deze en andere berichten zal ik voortaan direct op mijn facebookpagina plaatsen omdat dat sneller gaat dan het blogwerk.Dus klik op onderstaande facebook ikoon voor laatste berichten.
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The Press
Such as it is, the press has become the greatest power within the Western World, more powerful than the legislature, the executive and judiciary. One would like to ask: by whom has it been elected and to whom is it responsible?
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Christum Salvatorem Mundi
Τον Σωτήρα Χριστό
ישו המושיע של העולם
Христос, чтобы спасти мир
"Ik pretendeer niet dat ik de waarheid in pacht heb, maar schaam me er niet voor te zeggen dat Jezus de Waarheid is.”
About Spies,Traitors,Converts and Defectors
werkeloosheid? Coffeeshops opruimen,dan blijft er geen werkeloze meer over!

Ons drugsbeleid hangt van leugens en bedrog aan elkaar,dementeert,débiliseert,desintegreert, criminaliseert,corrumpeert, escaleert,ruïneert,antisemitiseert, islamiseert en terroriseert. ( Mega wetenschappelijke,statistische en ervaringsdeskundig voortschrijdende inzichten)Coffeeshops,potshops,dat zijn TROJAANSE PAARDEN...TROJAN HORSES.
Europa, bakermat van kunst,cultuur,wetenschap en techniek,wordt ondermijnd door criminelen.
Aanschurkende lafhartige en verraderlijke pseudo intelectuelen; de zogenaamde politiek correcte elite, effenen zakkenvullend, het pad voor de narco-islamitische barbarij.....,en bewerken zó hun eigen ondergang en die van het nog vrije westen.
Als Jezus Christus Godszoon is; verrezen uit de dood en opgestegen naar de hemel,dan hebben we een heel groot probleem!
Tolerance becomes a Crime when applied to Evil (Thomas Mann)
The west has been and still is being narcotized,drugged and islamized.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction"
voor halal-hippies, sharia-socialisten en medische-wietplanters
geopolitiek wespennest Syria
'Vervolging christenen grootste mensenrechtenprobleem ter wereld'

Pakistaanse bisschop ziet Groot Brittannië actief anti-christelijk worden - Pakistaanse schoolboeken leren moslimkinderen dat vermoorden christenen nodig is om martelaar te worden. Een Pakistaanse christen komt tijdens een protest tegen islamitische aanslagen op kerken met gevaar voor eigen leven uit voor zijn geloof - iets dat 99% van de christenen in het Westen hem niet na durven of willen doen.
de grote drogreden blijft maar voortwoekeren. "Abuse can only be defended by fallacies"
De grote Nederlandse gemeenten in de voetsporen van de stuffmafia?
...."en het is ook beter voor de schatkist"....
Hochverrat am Volk.Die Linken sind die Totengräber Deutschlands..
Christian revival or islamic destruction
Het is tijd dat de kerk weer een strijdvaardig geloof krijgt en de werken van de duivel verbreekt. In de voetsporen en in de Naam van de Meester, Jezus Christus!
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